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Oren Sadeh

 Marketing Innovator & Mentor

In 1940  Winston Churchill arrived at a church when suddenly

he was asked to speak instead of the priest, who had not shown up. 
"How long do I have to speak?" he asked. "Why is it important to you?" came the reply.
"Because if I have an hour," said Churchill, "I can go up to talk at once.
If I have ten minutes - I need six hours to prepare, but if I only have
three minutes - I will not speak because I need three days."

So in business.
It takes great mastery and creativity to establish a product that is perceived as simple and attractive.

Google say it takes about 8 seconds for an average person to decide whether to bounce out or stay to explore a new website/FB/IG.
What marketing mastery would Churchill have demanded for such a challenge?

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How can I help? Online & Offline marketing strategies / Double your conversion rate in every aspect / Powerful sales tools / Creative concepts / Advertising master / Out-Of-The-Box Brand I.D. solutions / UX+UI mobile guide / Social media consultant / FB+IG Design / Inspiring presentations copywriting and design / Pitch advisor / Management & motivation coaching experience

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